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Vintage 60's and 70's supermodifieds

Some racing Links:
Al Drake's "It covers San Jose Speedway out here on the west coast. The cars are 1975 and on."

Oswego Supers Thorough ISMA/Oswego site with a lot of links.

Doug's Central New York Racing Page If you live in central New York, then you are in luck. Check out Doug's page.

Pinners Bar and Grill Excellent Supermodified page.

Luther's Racing Page Luther has a bunch of pictures, links, other cool stuff.

Danny's Short Track Racing Page Danny is an ISMA fan. His website has old pics from West Virginia and some great supermodified links.

2001 ISMA schedule 2001 ISMA schedule.

http://www.geocities.com/carlrogersracing Fans of Carl Rogers will find a pictorial history of his racing career here. Video too!

Jake's Home Page Jake has a picture gallery (including Shampine's sprinter and rear engined car), racing links, drawings, more.

InRacing with Super Dave Check out Super Dave. Images, links. Super Dave has a street legal 1960 supermodified!

TJ Slideways TJ is a midwest sprint car enthusiast with a sweet website. Pictures, news, regular column.

Roadsters.com A large site with lots of information and a TON of links. Fantastic!

Racing Back in Time - Mike's Oval Racing Nostalgia Mike was on the Solvay Automotive crew from 69 to 75. Photos, links.
Michiana Vintage Race Cars Great vintage photo site concentrating on Michigan/Indiana area.
Kimball's Vintage Racing Photos New vintage photo site run by Tom Kimball. Has some unique supermodified pictures. Northeast US.
Canadian Open Wheel Central New. Daryl Turford's open wheel site. Photos, news...
Vintage Oval Racing Magazine Paper publication. Subscribe here.
BGM Sim Racing Supermodified Series Check this out! These guys have designed supermodifieds to run under NASCAR Racing and they are running a fantasy supermodified series.
Racing Hot Shots Pit Stop Quite a few excellent vintage supermodified pictures.
Ellis Palasini Website Some of you may remember Ellis Palasini and his V-8 winged super. This site has a bunch of pictures and a kind of history of his career.
[IMAGE] Canadian Motorsports Hall of Fame Nice site with all kinds of Canadian Racing info.
