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Picture File oswb0029.jpg
Drivers meeting before the (1969?) Oswego Classic. Jack Conley, Red Barnhart, Bentley Warren, Warren Coniam, Norm Mackereth.
Jim Liccardi writes in "Starting with circle closest to the stand, going L-R...Jim Cheney(sipping soda), Ronnie Wallace, don't know=(d/k), Kempton Dates(Glasses), d/k. row 2-Fred Graves(big ears),d/k, Sam Carista(wiping eyes),d/k-head is down. Row 3-Mackereth, Nick Rowe(head turned), Andy Brown, guy w/smoke-d/k, bare chested guy-d/k. Row 4-black suit-d/k,Gary Witter, Ollie Silva w/glasses,d/k, guy w/ hands on knee-d/k, Jonnie Benson Sr., Jack Conley(standing), in front of Conley is Red Barnhart, guy kneeling behind Conley d/k, guy w/ hand to brow-d/k, guy partialy hidden by Coniam is Jim Shampine, Warren Coniam, Bentley Warren w/red bandana, and the man standing dressed in "whites" is track employee Guy Crouse. Ken Andrews w/arms braced backwards. The man standing in front on the right forground is Track Photographer Bill Hartwell. The guy in the hat almost dead center, looking down, behind the rail, isn't that Bill McClure?"
From the archives of the Ronald D. Nielsen Family. Thanks (and great job) to Jim Liccardi.
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