www.retroRockets.org Retro Rockets - Photo Archive Volume 26

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Picture File PB_SD-001-t.jpg Speedrome. Picture File PB_SD-002-t.jpg Speedrome. Picture File PB_SD-003-t.jpg Speedrome. This car is the Max Dowker #111 driven by Jim Gresley.
Picture File PB_SD-004-t.jpg Speedrome. Driver: J.Davis Picture File PB_SD-005-t.jpg Speedrome. Picture File PB_SD-006-t.jpg Speedrome.
Picture File PB_SD-007-t.jpg Speedrome. Is this Dick Good? Picture File PB_SD-008-t.jpg Speedrome. the white car on the right is Harvey Lennox's "Tammy Ten". Picture File PB_SD-009-t.jpg Speedrome.
Picture File PB_SD-010-t.jpg Speedrome. Picture File PB_SD-011-t.jpg Speedrome. 1964 picture of the Harvey Lennox car, the Tammy Ten. Harv was in Grand Rapids on August 8, 1964 and won a major event. Picture File PB_SD-012-t.jpg Speedrome. I don't know who it is, but the car looks like the Pete Webster car Bingo 151 with a new roll cage, Am I correct? Is this the Bingo 151?
Picture File PB_SD-013-t.jpg 1965 or 1966 at the Speedrome. Working on the Tammy Ten. Harv Lennox brought his super to Grand Rapids and finished 5th on 4/30/66. Picture File PB_SD-014-t.jpg Speedrome. Picture File PB_SD-015-t.jpg Speedrome.