www.retroRockets.org Retro Rockets - Photo Archive Volume 17

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Picture File thom004-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Buck Buckley's rear engined #3. Picture File thom005-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Buck Buckley's rear engined #3. Picture File thom006-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Ron Wallace and Nolan Swift looking at the ex-10 pins car. Classic shot of Nolan in his cowboy hat!
Picture File thom007-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. This is indeed Ronnie Wallace, who Swift picked to drive when he retired for the first time (or was it the second?)...Big Don McLaren drove the previous edition of the 10 pins, but as far as I know only when it was numbered Flyin' 5 after Ed Bowley bought it. The driver standing in the background, almost center, is Warren Coniam. Picture File thom008-t.jpg Probably 1973 at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Looks like the C-15 and Bruce Kraft drove the car at Oswego in '72 or '73. Picture File thom009-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. The guy in the dark jacket, I think is Howard Purdy, and the guy in the white is Ray Moonan. The car is numbered 2, but I have no idea who is driving. It could be Bentley Warren, he used to wear goggles and a white open face helmet in '67, and was wearing the same when he won the Classic in '69.
Picture File thom010-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. No idea who this is. Picture File thom011-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Dick Batchelder in the #33. Picture File thom012-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Dick Batchelder in the #33.
Picture File thom013-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Dick Batchelder in the #33. Picture File thom014-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Dick Batchelder in the #33. Picture File thom015-t.jpg 1973, I think, at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Eddie West in the 61 jr.
Picture File thom016-t.jpg April, 1972 at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Don McLaren in an ex-Nolan Swift car. Note the 24K gold injector tubes on this car! Picture File thom017-t.jpg April, 1972 at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Don McLaren in an ex-Nolan Swift car. Note the 24K gold injector tubes on this car! Picture File thom018-t.jpg April, 1972 at the Thompson (CT) Speedway. Waiting for the start. Paul Richardson (#52), Eddie West (#61 jr), Bob Millett (#3), Dave Thomas (#1). Thomas was badly hurt in a nasty flip in this race.
From Dave Thomas Jr.: "That was my dad's very FIRST supermodified race. It is the car that he owned along with local Supermodified owner Tim Trefethen. Unfortunately he ended up "barrel rolling" the car over 20 times in this race! It was probably one of (if not the...) worst crashes of his career. The car is currently in Epping, NH and is being restored by a member of the Trefethen family."